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Association des femmes canadiennes-francophones de Durham |
A.F.C.F. 384 Avenue Hillside Oshawa, Ontario L1J 6L7
Hélène Boudreau
Registration Form For Génies en herbe Tournament
Name : _______________________________________ Education level : _____________
School Name : ________________________________________________
( ) I am registering individually and allowing l’Association des femmes canadiennes-françaises (AFCF) to place me in a random team.
( ) I am registering with my team. Each team member filled out a registration form, they are attached together and the names of my 3 teammates are :
1-________________________ 2-______________________3-______________________
( ) I am registering as a half-team because I do not have a full team. Each member of my half-team as filled out a registration form that is attached to mine, and allows l’AFCF to complete the team. Here are the names of my half-team:
1-______________________________ 2-_______________________________
The tournament is organized by l’Association des femmes canadiennes-françaises and not the schools. The transportation to and from the tournament is the responsability of the parent/guardian along with the security of their children on the premises. Adult authorization is required to participate in the tournament.
I ___________________________________ parent/guardian of ___________________________ participant for the Génies en Herbe tournament organized by l’AFCF will not legally pursue l’AFCF, it’s members, l’école secondaire Saint-Charles-Garnier, the MonAvenir Catholic School Board and the participating schools for negligence, injuries, fractures or loss of material things during the day of the tournament.
I will contact the Association early on if for any reason my child cannot be present on tournament day. It will help with the organisation of the day and won’t deceive my child’s teammates.
Signature:_______________________________________Date :______________________
Telephone number : ___________________________________
E-mail: _______________________________________________ The phone number and e-mail will only be used in case of changes.
Authorization to publish pictures (to be filled by the parent/guardian)
( ) I authorize l’Association des femmes canadiennes-françaises d’Oshawa (AFCF) to use my
Child’s name _______________________________________ and pictures taken the day of the Génies en herbe tournament. The pictures and his/her name can be published in newspapers, in articles describing the tournament, in publicities for the tournament, in l’AFCF archives, on l’AFCF web site or other publications.
( ) I refuse that l’AFCF use my child’s picture or name ________________________________.
Signed on _______________________________________ 20__.
Signature __________________________________________________
A pizza lunch will be sold on the day of the tournament. Please indicate if you are interested. Do not send money now. Payment is due on the day itself. Please consider everyone that will be attending the event with you.
Problèmes avec le site? Écrivez à: afcf.durham@gmail.com |
Important : Keep this page as reference
Grade 4 to 6 : You can register alone, in half-team (2-3 persons) or in a team of 4 persons. If registering in a team or half-team, send all registration forms at the same time. Grade 7 to 12 : Register in team of 4 persons. Send all registration forms at the same time.
Read and sign the registration form carefully on both sides of the page.
Pizza is optional. Please consider everybody that will be with the participant. Don’t send any money with the registration form, we only want to know the quantity of pizza to order.
Send your registration form by e-mail at geniesenherbe.oshawa@gmail.com, by fax at 905-434-7260 or in person at 57 Simcoe Street South, Oshawa.
We will accept registration forms until May 8, 2024. So, don’t wait and send your registration forms as soon as possible by one the three method stated only.
Tournament Day
The tournament will be May 25th, 2024.
It will be held at - 4101 Baldwin Street South, Whitby—École Saint-Charles-Garnier. Driving directions are available at www.afcfdurham.com in the section "Pour nous joindre".
As indicated on the registration form, parents are responsible for their children on the day of the tournament.
Arrive by 8:15 am since the tournament will start at 9:00 am.
The tournament will end at 5:30 pm with the prizes ceremony. If your team as been eliminated before the end, you can stay and watch other games or simply leave.
The tournament is organized by volunteer.
Association des femmes canadiennes-francophones de Durham |